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Kuro Bushi International

Instill Harmony and Exceed All Expectations

United States



What is Kuro Bushi International?

Kuro Bushi International is a well-structured organization with a very efficient chain of command, a board of directors that respects democracy with an integrated voting system without discrimination, such as the style financial aspect for all kinds of schools affiliated with the KBI, whether for more commercial, traditional, non-profit or family schools and others.

All styles of Martial Arts are welcome in our family.

Why choose KBI over another organization?

All representatives of the KBI countries (USA, Japan, Canada) are represented by former decorated soldiers who have served their respective countries.

So, the main strength of the organization is not to deviate from the chain of command of each country. We seek to internally to avoid and resolve conflicts with respect for Budo so as never to enter a negative circle.

Respect others from beginner to high ranks

The KBI makes it a point of honor to respect others from beginner to high ranks and vice versa in addition to always listening to each other because the master learns as much as the beginner.

Kaicho Al Yisrael


The founder

Kaicho Al Yisrael is a practitioner of Iaido and Kenjutsu who demonstrated the samurai spirit with service in the Marine Corp. With over 30 years of mastery in various disciplines of the martial arts, he expressed satisfaction in sharing his knowledge and helping others  “It’s been a wonderful life experience. It’s a life journey. I’ve taught many people, children to elderly, celebrities, people who compete in tournaments, people who want to better themselves, health wise or have more focus.”

Kuro Bushi Calendar


Current Roster of KBI Officers


Al Yisrael

President / Chairman / Treasurer

Senior Master

Charles Battle

 Vice President / GrandMaster



Philip Gignac

Executive Board Member / Canada Ambassador/ France Ambassador


Joseph Miller

Council of the Elders Member / Vice Chairman / Japan Ambassador


Terry Pointer

Council of Elders / Board Member / Illinois Senior Representative


Amin Hassan

Council of the Elders Member


Ellerton Ravon Sprueill

Council of the Elders Member


Patricia Williams

Council of the Elders Member


Howard L. Faison Jr.

Boardman Ohio Representative


Herman Blakely

Savannah Georgia Representative


Alan Goldberg

New York Senior Representative


Henry Smalls

Hawaii Ambassador / Authority of KBI Kendo


Michael Bilby

Lady’s Island South Carolina Representative


Robert D. Parham Jr.

Sacramento California Representative


Jamar « Naji » Edmundson

Brooklyn New York Representative


Mahaliel (MO) Sha Bethea

Manhattan New York Representative


Edwin François

US Marine Corps Representative

Minister of Photography

Malik Dunbar

Bayonne New Jersey Representative